
What is OPPIVA Network?

The OPPIVA network is a joint network of learning pro­fes­sionals in Fin­land’s 35 munici­pa­lities, where we develop teaching, learning, in Finnish schools and early childhood education nationwide. The work deepens the ongoing change, where the core of the ope­rating culture of schools and daycare centres is the pupil’s own way of learning, the quality of learning and equality in education.

Our work benefits all teachers and kin­der­garten teachers, school and daycare centre managers, as well as municipal education and cul­tural pro­fes­sionals who want to be involved in building the future of learning.

In 2025, our network will include cities and munici­pa­lities of Espoo, Heinola, Hel­sinki, Hämeen­linna, Joensuu, Kan­gasala, Kan­gas­niemi, Kau­niainen, Kerava, Kirk­ko­nummi, Kokkola, Kouvola, Kuh­moinen, Kuopio, Lahti, Lap­peen­ranta, Lem­päälä, Lohja, Mikkeli, Mäntsälä, Nokia, Nur­mi­järvi, Orivesi, Oulu, Pirkkala, Pori, Pudas­järvi, Pälkäne, Raahe, Rova­niemi, Sipoo, Sodankylä, Tampere, Turku, Tuusula, Urjala, Uusi­kau­punki, Val­kea­koski, Vantaa, Vesi­lahti and Äänekoski.

New munici­pa­lities are accepted every six months. The chair­manship of the network changes every two years. In 2024–2025, the City of Tampere will chair the meeting.


  • We organize events and trai­nings that bring learning pro­fes­sionals together
  • We support the mana­gement of learning change in municipalities
  • We produce joint material to support the reform of learning and teaching
  • We support the sharing of expertise and good prac­tices between munici­pa­lities and finding partners for development
  • We influence and take a stand on changes and reforms in early childhood education and training nationwide

We share the best expe­riences and ideas in the form of blogs, news, videos and podcasts.

Cur­rently OPPIVA Network actively par­tici­pates in the future vision work of basic education ini­tiated by the Finnish Ministry of Education. The key is the long-term deve­lopment of education and not too hastily made small partial reforms. And how we can strengthen student-cen­te­redness in the future.

OPPIVA Network chairperson:

Kris­tiina Järvelä

Director of Early Childhood and Basic Education at City of Tampere
e-mail: kristiina.​jarvela@​tampere.​fi

OPPIVA Network office:

Tarja Tuo­mainen

Deve­lopment Manager of OPPIVA Network e-mail tarja.​tuomainen@​tampere.​fi