Ecological and Social Sustainability

Eco-social education means unders­tanding the seriousness of climate change and striving to act sus­tai­nably. On the other hand, eco-social education is the balance of freedom and res­pon­si­bility in human thinking and actions on a finite planet. Pro­moting sus­tai­nable deve­lopment in education and social com­mu­nities is also an important goal of ours.

Examples of Eco-social education in Finland:

  • UNIORI – Lap­peen­ranta Junior Uni­versity: We dare, we do, we succeed - Let science lead us. A study module that strengthens stu­dents’ interest in science, research, and uni­versity studies in accor­dance with the principles of sus­tai­nable deve­lopment. Stu­dents are the active par­tici­pants in this study module.
  • Kid Dia­logue is a model for con­structive discussion for children and young people based on the Timeout dia­logue method, deve­loped in Lahti. See pre­sen­tation here.
  • JOENSUU KIEKU – Inte­grating acti­vities for immi­grant families. Joensuu city’s lan­guage and culture group teaching team, KIEKU, is a team con­sisting of ent­husiastic pro­fes­sionals that organize pre­pa­ratory education, mother tongue classes taught in dif­ferent lan­guages, Finnish as a second lan­guage classes and provide learning support in dif­ferent sub­jects. In addition to this, KIEKU team orga­nizes various inclusive inte­grating acti­vities for children and young people, such as dance and theater clubs, as well as acti­vities for entire family. The Joensuu special and unique project is the Family School, which gathers immi­grant families together for acti­vities every week, where they get to know the Finnish school system and learn many other useful tips for a better adap­tation. In addition, KIEKU makes its own educa­tional material and give workshops and trai­nings. The activity also includes many kinds of art pro­jects, such as educa­tional films and plays. Next summer, there will be an inter­na­tional theater week, Joen Kieku Bravura! Check out the videos and broc­hures via the link!

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